Contributing Bloggers

A former elementary teacher turned mediator and conflict coach. I also blog, teach, write and speak about relationships and conflict management. My husband and I have been married for nearly ten years and we have two precocious children.

I’m a Yankee transplant who has been in Georgia for fifteen years, but it only took a few months for me to fall in love with grits, sweet tea and ‘bless your heart’. I’m a reformed aspiring politician who loves meeting new people although I’m horrible with names (charge it to my head, not my heart!!). I love exercise and sugar-laden foods (go figure!); have a great sense of adventure, but a horrible sense of style and I absolutely DESPISE housework.

I blog because through my life and especially my work, I’ve realized that we all really need confirmation that we are not alone.


I’m a Mainer. Born and raised in the uniquely signally syllabic state.



First and foremost a free spirit, I am also a woman, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a teacher. Born in Tanzania of East Indian parents and raised in Zambia, I came to the United States at age 18, on my first solo flight, with two suitcases packed with all the things I anticipated I would need for the American college experience. Although I can no longer fit my belongings into two suitcases, the truth of who I am has remained the same through the years.

I look for the funny in everyday life and often consider stand-up comedy the career that got away. I have a deep respect and affinity for witty people. Those who know me would say I am spontaneous and kind and generous and I would agree with them. I love a good book or a good movie made for hopeless romantics but also take on a no-nonsense approach to living and loving. I enjoy clothes, a bargain, delicious food from anywhere in the world, a well-fitting bra, and margaritas outdoors with Bob Marley or Jimmy Buffet playing in the background. I carry many hopes in my heart. I hope that my son and my daughter will be delighted in their lives and find peace in the hard as well as the fun parts of life. I hope that all the other sons and daughters around the world find the same kind of peace. I design my life around these hopes.

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